Disable super + s in ubuntu 13.04

I tried this thread but it didn't work.

How can I disable super + s which previews workspaces

Solution 1:

You can use CompizConfig to do this. (sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager in a terminal to install if it isn't on your computer already)

To open, type "CompizConfig" into your Dash, or ccsm in the terminal.

Once it's open, scroll to the "Expo" option, which can be found in the Desktop section (I assume this is in the default plugins but cannot remember for certain)

Click on Expo, and then on the Bindings tab, look at the top option (Expo key). Click on the right, where it says "<Super>s". Then either uncheck the "Enabled" box to disable it entirely, or click "Grab key combination" and enter a different combo to change it to something else. Click OK to accept your settings and you should be good to go.

Hope this helps!

Solution 2:

unity in ubuntu14.04 is interrupting any "super" key combination by default settings.

To disable workspaces preview with super+s or meta+s (and allowing other apps to grab this shortcut) I had to:

  1. Disable (or change) the Compiz "expo" plugin shortcut in compizconfig (run sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager && ccsm) in Desktop > expo > binding > expo key
  2. Change the unity dash key (from to anything else you like) to prevent it to interrupt all "super+..." bindings (again in CompizConfig) in Desktop > Ubuntu Unity Plugin > Launcher > Key to show the Dash, Launcher and Help Overlay. I set it to [control+super] to still be able to hit it with a single finger.

Hope this helps.