How can I save worlds from broken phone?
Solution 1:
This will explain how to export worlds from your device onto your computer.
On Android
- Plug in your device to a computer via USB
- Open a file manager
- Go to the device's folder
- Open the "games" folder then the "com.mojang" folder under it
- There you will find the "minecraftWorlds" folder, open it and your worlds will be there
- Since the worlds have random names (e.g mA8AACAzBwA=), open each world's folder and open the "levelname.txt" file which will say the name of the world you opened
- Once you find the world (or worlds) you want to export, copy and paste the folder to some place on your computer
- If you want to import it to a new device just reverse the process (copy the world from the computer to the "minecraftWorlds" folder)
On iOS
- Install iFunbox (I will tell you how to do this with version 4.0)
- Plug in your device to the computer that has iFunbox installed
- Launch iFunbox and open the "My Device" tab
- Click on "Apps" and open the sandbox for Minecraft
- Find the "minecraftWorlds" folder
- Do steps 6-8 in the "On Android" section