Convert WebM to other formats

I take photos and videos using Cheese on Ubuntu 12.04. They are in WebM formats.

How to convert them in other more conventional formats for making them compatible with other OS and devices (Windows, Mobiles etc)?

I am looking for an easy tool since I don't need to process my files further.

Thanks for the reply.

Solution 1:

With ffmpeg

I think you should do this with ffmpeg.

To install, type these lines in terminal:

sudo apt install ffmpeg

now you have ffmpeg installed, you can convert webm to mp4 by this command:

ffmpeg -i input_filename.webm output_filename.mp4

Let's say you have your sample.webm file in your downloads folder and you want to generate the output to the same folder. You run this command:

ffmpeg -i ~/Downloads/sample.webm -qscale 0 ~/Downloads/sample.mp4

If you don't want to type this long command every time in your terminal you can create a little bash function to do it for you.

In terminal type nano ~/.bashrc scroll down to the bottom and insert:

webmTOmp4 () {
  ffmpeg -i "$1".webm -qscale 0 "$1".mp4
mp4TOmp3 () {
  ffmpeg -i "$1".mp4 "$1".mp3

Now you can do: mp4TOmp3 GENUINE\ -\ Thleilaxu-k8hrEbXURzg and the script will convert and save your new file with the same name to the same folder.

Solution 2:

I recommend you to download the FF Multi Converter.


have a look at this page :

FF Multi Converter

Solution 3:

You can watch and convert videos using VLC.

Install VLC:

sudo apt install vlc

To convert videos, this article in Laptop Magazine recommends looking for the Convert/Save option in VLC's Media menu.