Converting a hexadecimal string to a decimal integer
I'm writing a Rust program that reads off of an I2C bus and saves the data. When I read the I2C bus, I get hex values like 0x11
, 0x22
, etc.
Right now, I can only handle this as a string and save it as is. Is there a way I can parse this into an integer? Is there any built in function for it?
Solution 1:
In most cases, you want to parse more than one hex byte at once. In those cases, use the hex crate.
parse this into an integer
You want to use from_str_radix
. It's implemented on the integer types.
use std::i64;
fn main() {
let z = i64::from_str_radix("1f", 16);
println!("{:?}", z);
If your strings actually have the 0x
prefix, then you will need to skip over them. The best way to do that is via trim_start_matches
use std::i64;
fn main() {
let raw = "0x1f";
let without_prefix = raw.trim_start_matches("0x");
let z = i64::from_str_radix(without_prefix, 16);
println!("{:?}", z);