Windy weather in Pokemon Go

possible indication of windy weather It's been fairly windy the last few days but I haven't had a "Windy" weather type show up in the weather panel.

Are the wispy white lines in my image (right hand side) an indication of wind? Or is there an actual weather panel for wind, and it just hasn't been windy enough to see it?

The wispy lines do mean windy weather. All weather has an indication on the map as you can see here:
Pokemon Go Weather Indicators

Picture courtesy of IGN (Wiki Page)

"Windy" weather and associated bonuses are not indicated by wisps on the map, but rather by the "kite" icon in the weather/bonus circle.

The proper icon can be seen in the left-most screenshot

The question's screenshot demonstrates these wisps are not the indicator, as they are present during the "partly-cloudy night" weather state (see circle in bottom right of screenshot, above "nearby Pokemon" indicator).