How to put methods onto the objects in Redux state?

Solution 1:

In Redux, you don't really have custom models. Your state should be plain objects (or Immutable records). They are not expected to have any custom methods.

Instead of putting methods onto the models (e.g. TodoItem.rename) you are expected to write reducers that handle actions. That's the whole point of Redux.

// Manages single todo item
function todoItem(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD':
      return { name:, complete: false };

    case 'RENAME':
      return { ...state, name: };

      return { ...state, complete: !state.complete };

      return state;

// Manages a list of todo items
function todoItems(state = [], action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'ADD':
      return [...state, todoItem(undefined, action)];

    case 'REMOVE':
      return [
        ...state.slice(0, action.index),
        ...state.slice(action.index + 1)

    case 'RENAME':
      return [
        ...state.slice(0, action.index),
        todoItem(state[action.index], action),
        ...state.slice(action.index + 1)

If this still doesn't make sense please read through the Redux basics tutorial because you seem to have a wrong idea about how Redux applications are structured.

Solution 2:

Dan's answer is of course correct in terms of how you should use redux when writing an application from scratch. My answer is based on a non-ideal motivating situation that may be similar to the OPs situation and how I am thinking of dealing with it.

I find myself trying create a redux application that depends on 3rd party libraries within the redux reducer that perform operations on input objects with methods, and I wanted to keep these input objects in the redux state. Here is my motivating situation in pseudo-code, and how I am "solving" it using lodash's assign method:

// Library A is a large 3rd party library I don't want to change
// Library A expects instances of MyClass to have a method 'complexOperation', and also to have property 'a'
LibraryA = class {
  static reliesOnComplexOperation(myClassInstance) {
    if (myClassInstance.complexOperation() && myClassInstance.a < 100) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

// MyClass is my own class that I control, and I want to store it's state and make changes to it using the redux reducer.
MyClass = class {
  constructor() {
    this.a = 0;
  myComplexOperation() {
    return a > 10;

//and here is my redux reducer, making use of Library A
function reducer(state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      const myClassInstancePlain = state.myClassInstance;
      // redux has converted myClassInstance into a plain object with no methods, so we need to create a new instance of MyClass, and assign property values from the plain object to the new instance. Using the assign function from lodash library to achieve this - likely not the most efficient way
      const myClassInstance = _.assign(new MyClass(), myClassInstancePlain);

      // now I can pass myClassInstance off to LibraryA, and the complexOperation method will be available
      if (LibraryA.reliesOnComplexOperation(myClassInstance)) {
        myClassInstance.a = 50;
      // I can return myClassInstance as part of the new state, and redux will convert it to a plain object
      return {
      return state;

So this example shows one way of incorporating objects with methods in the redux state as plain objects, and then adding back the methods so they can be used within the redux reducer. Would love to hear Dan's or anyone else's thoughts on this pattern or how it could be done better. I've seen Dan post in several places that storing objects with methods is a bad idea in redux, so the goal here is to find a way to store the object as a plain object and attach the methods when you need them in an efficient way.