Need a bootable OS X installer iso [duplicate]

I removed the OS X partition off my HDD and installed Ubuntu. Now I want OS X back but I can't install it considering I have no access to Mac OS X. I need either an OS X Snow Leopard or OS X Lion .iso so I can put it on an installer USB.

Since OS X Lion was around $30 USD on release you definitely, definitely wouldn't want to torrent the .iso. I would image you could find the torrent fairly easily if you were to look. But you wouldn't do that, would you, because that would be immoral and possibly illegal in your area.

Apple still sells Snow Leopard 10.6.3 install disks for $20 US, shipping included. That's probably your least annoying, least dodgy/insecure recourse for getting Mac OS back onto your Mac.

Even if you decide you don't want to use OS X ever again, it's a good idea to keep a small Mac OS partition on the hard drive - for one thing, the Mac system settings app is the only way to change certain hardware settings such as "resume after power failure." It's pretty straightforward to shrink the partition down to around 10 gb, which isn't too much space to sacrifice for the safety net it provides.

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard installer download link:

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard installer download link:

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server installer download link:

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