Indentation of line comments’ slashes

When I use IntelliJ’s function “Comment with Line Comment” it places two slashes at the very beginning of the selected lines. The forward slashes are not indented with the rest of the code. How can I make IntelliJ obey the line indentation when placing the forward slashes?

Example code:

if (something) {

Using IntelliJ’s commenting function on line 2 results in:

if (something) {
//  bar();

What I want:

if (something) {
    // bar();

Go to File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Java > Code Generation and uncheck the option "Line comment at first column".

Update Oct 2016 from @henrebotha in the comments:

As of now, there's an additional option just beneath it that says "Add a space at comment start", so this is now supported.

You can setup in Code Generation: Options

In more recent versions the setting is called: Comment at first column

Just search for it in the settings window, then go to Editor -> Code Style -> Your language.

For those who are looking on how to do this for Scala, the Line comment at first column configuration is in File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Scala > Other tab instead of Code Generation as with the accepted answer