Hotkey combinations for window management?
What is the most useful hotkeys on ubuntu desktop ? (for show all windows at the same time, change between programs,...)
Solution 1:
On Ubuntu 10.10 and early versions
To see all windows at the same time : superkey(win key) + w
To see all Desktops at the same time : superkey(win key) + e
change between programs: Alt + Tab
The default ubuntu shortcuts see this: Ubuntu Hotkeys - Keyboard Shortcuts
To Define a shortcut see this post answer create a shortcut
On unity Ubuntu 11.04
shows the Unity launcher superkey
Activates or opens the corresponding applications in the Unity launcher superkey + {number}
show all workstations(desktop) superkey + S
To see all open programs on one workstation superkey + W
Here is the a nice documentation of What are Unity's keyboard and mouse shortcuts?
Solution 2:
wmctrl is a neat application that can be used to do things like Windows 7 style maximize/left half/right half window movement and resizing shortcuts (or Mac's 2Up.)