How to create smart mailbox to show redirected mail?

The only way I have found to find a redirected email item is to look for the little -> icon on the left of each message so redirected. Is there a way to set a rule looking for that in a smart mailbox? And if not, has anyone requested that feature? Thanks. Boyd

Unfortunately the Smart Mailbox criteria doesn't include a way to search all email headers, because only a portion of them is actually indexed in the Spotlight database. However, you can make a workaround by combining mail rules and existing smart mailbox criteria. The goal is to use one of the indexed criteria such as a flag colour you don't use anywhere else and have mail rule evaluation set that flag on messages that are resent.

Create a new email rule in Mail/Preferences/Rules/Add Rule. Open the conditions popup and you will see many more compared to Smart Mailbox. However, Resent-From is not there, but we can fix that by choosing Edit header list..., adding a Resent-From and selecting it.

Edit header list

Type your email address as I assume you are interested in email messages that you redirected, right? As the action taken simply flag your message what a colour you selected.

Mail rules

The final step is creating a smart mailbox using the flag as the search criteria.

smart mailbox

The end effect is that whenever you redirect an email message, the flag gets applied automatically and it shows up in the smart mailbox.