Emil Artin's proof for Wedderburn's Little Theorem

Solution 1:

I would love to help, but until now I could not lay my hands on the German version, nor find any translations :S Here is what I did come up with during my own searches.

It might be a long shot, but Artin proves Wedderburn's theorem in his 1957 book Geometric Algebra. If by chance he used the same approach, then having that English version alongside the German might help.

I also found an article by Artin entitled The influence of J. H. M. Wedderburn on the development of modern algebra in which discusses the theorem at one point and alludes to elements of his own proof.

I found this interesting article on the history of the theorem, including some sketches of what Artin's approach was. It doesn't look like it's been published in a journal, but the contents sound OK.