How is it known that variables are in registers, or on stack?

I am reading this question about inline on isocpp FAQ, the code is given as

void f()
  int x = /*...*/;
  int y = /*...*/;
  int z = /*...*/;
  // ...code that uses x, y and z...
  g(x, y, z);
  // ...more code that uses x, y and z...

then it says that

Assuming a typical C++ implementation that has registers and a stack, the registers and parameters get written to the stack just before the call to g(), then the parameters get read from the stack inside g() and read again to restore the registers while g() returns to f(). But that’s a lot of unnecessary reading and writing, especially in cases when the compiler is able to use registers for variables x, y and z: each variable could get written twice (as a register and also as a parameter) and read twice (when used within g() and to restore the registers during the return to f()).

I have a big difficulty understanding the paragraph above. I try to list my questions as below:

  1. For a computer to do some operations on some data which are residing in the main memory, is it true that the data must be loaded to some registers first then the CPU can operate on the data? (I know this question is not particularly related to C++, but understanding this will be helpful to understand how C++ works.)
  2. I think f() is a function in a way the same as g(x, y, z) is a function. How come x, y, z before calling g() are in the registers, and the parameters passed in g() are on the stack?
  3. How is it known that the declarations for x, y, z make them stored in the registers? Where the data inside g() is stored, register or stack?


It's very hard to choose an acceptable answer when the answers are all very good(E.g., the ones provided by @MatsPeterson, @TheodorosChatzigiannakis, and @superultranova) I think. I personally like the one by @Potatoswatter a little bit more since the answer offers some guidelines.

Solution 1:

Don't take that paragraph too seriously. It seems to be making excessive assumptions and then going into excessive detail, which can't really be generalized.

But, your questions are very good.

  1. For a computer to do some operations on some data which are residing in the main memory, is it true that the data must be loaded to some registers first then the CPU can operate on the data? (I know this question is not particularly related to C++, but understanding this will be helpful to understand how C++ works.)

More-or-less, everything needs to be loaded into registers. Most computers are organized around a datapath, a bus connecting the registers, the arithmetic circuits, and the top level of the memory hierarchy. Usually, anything that is broadcast on the datapath is identified with a register.

You may recall the great RISC vs CISC debate. One of the key points was that a computer design can be much simpler if the memory is not allowed to connect directly to the arithmetic circuits.

In modern computers, there are architectural registers, which are a programming construct like a variable, and physical registers, which are actual circuits. The compiler does a lot of heavy lifting to keep track of physical registers while generating a program in terms of architectural registers. For a CISC instruction set like x86, this may involve generating instructions that send operands in memory directly to arithmetic operations. But behind the scenes, it's registers all the way down.

Bottom line: Just let the compiler do its thing.

  1. I think f() is a function in a way the same as g(x, y, z) is a function. How come x, y, z before calling g() are in the registers, and the parameters passed in g() are on the stack?

Each platform defines a way for C functions to call each other. Passing parameters in registers is more efficient. But, there are trade-offs and the total number of registers is limited. Older ABIs more often sacrificed efficiency for simplicity, and put them all on the stack.

Bottom line: The example is arbitrarily assuming a naive ABI.

  1. How is it known that the declarations for x, y, z make them stored in the registers? Where the data inside g() is stored, register or stack?

The compiler tends to prefer to use registers for more frequently accessed values. Nothing in the example requires the use of the stack. However, less frequently accessed values will be placed on the stack to make more registers available.

Only when you take the address of a variable, such as by &x or passing by reference, and that address escapes the inliner, is the compiler required use memory and not registers.

Bottom line: Avoid taking addresses and passing/storing them willy-nilly.

Solution 2:

It is entirely up to the compiler (in conjunction with the processor type) whether a variable is stored in memory or a register [or in some cases more than one register] (and what options you give the compiler, assuming it's got options to decide such things - most "good" compilers do). For example, the LLVM/Clang compiler uses a specific optimisation pass called "mem2reg" that moves variables from memory to registers. The decision to do so is based on how the variable(s) are used - for example, if you take the address of a variable at some point, it needs to be in memory.

Other compilers have similar, but not necessarily identical, functionality.

Also, at least in compilers that have some semblance of portability, there will ALSO be a phase of generatinc machine code for the actual target, which contains target-specific optimisations, which again can move a variable from memory to a register.

It is not possible [without understanding how the particular compiler works] to determine if the variables in your code are in registers or in memory. One can guess, but such a guess is just like guessing other "kind of predictable things", like looking out the window to guess if it's going to rain in a few hours - depending on where you live, this may be a complete random guess, or quite predictable - some tropical countries, you can set your watch based on when the rain arrives each afternoon, in other countries, it rarely rains, and in some countries, like here in England, you can't know for certain beyond "right now it is [not] raining right here".

To answer the actual questions:

  1. This depends on the processor. Proper RISC processors such as ARM, MIPS, 29K, etc have no instructions that use memory operands except the load and store type instructions. So if you need to add two values, you need to load the values into registers, and use the add operation on those registers. Some, such as x86 and 68K allows one of the two operands to be a memory operand, and for example PDP-11 and VAX have "full freedom", whether your operands are in memory or register, you can use the same instruction, just different addressing modes for the different operands.
  2. Your original premise here is wrong - it's not guaranteed that arguments to g are on the stack. That is just one of many options. Many ABIs (application binary interface, aka "calling conventions) use registers for the first few arguments to a function. So, again, it depends on which compiler (to some degree) and what processor (much more than which compiler) the compiler targets whether the arguments are in memory or in registers.
  3. Again, this is a decision that the compiler makes - it depends on how many registers the processor has, which are available, what the cost is if "freeing" some register for x, y and z - which ranges from "no cost at all" to "quite a bit" - again, depending on the processor model and the ABI.