How do I reset my progress in Desert Golfing?

I would like to reset my save data for Desert Golfing on my iPhone and start over from level 1.

Is it possible to reset progress in Desert Golfing?

As mentioned in this thread it is possible to reset your progress by deleting and reinstalling the app.

Possible to reset the game by deleting the app?

Yes, it should be - I've done it before, although that was a long while ago so don't know if updates have changed anything.

I just did this myself and can verify.

The PC version is now available on Steam.

To reset your progress, find the installation folder and simply delete the save directory:

%STEAM_DIR%\SteamApps\common\Desert Golfing\save

(this directory will be recreated once the game is restarted)

And, if you are on a crazy hole-in-one streak and don't want to lose all your progress after a tough hole, here is a nice batch file that will backup the save directory each time before starting the game:

@echo off

REM -- Directory location of this file
set THIS_DIR=%~dp0
REM -- Remove ending slash, if there is one
REM -- Great example from Strawberry Perl's portable shell launcher:
if not "" == "%THIS_DIR%" if #%THIS_DIR:~-1%# == #\# set THIS_DIR=%THIS_DIR:~0,-1%

REM -- Get the current date/time stamp
for /f "tokens=2 delims==." %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS GET LocalDateTime /VALUE') do @set "DT_STAMP=%%I" & call set "DT_STAMP=%%DT_STAMP:~0,4%%-%%DT_STAMP:~4,2%%-%%DT_STAMP:~6,2%%_%%DT_STAMP:~8,2%%.%%DT_STAMP:~10,2%%.%%DT_STAMP:~12,2%%"

REM -- Directory locations
set DIR_SAVE=%THIS_DIR%\save

REM -- Backup the save directory
if exist "%DIR_SAVE%" xcopy /Y "%DIR_SAVE%" "%DIR_BACKUP%" /E /C /I /Q /H /R >nul

REM -- Start the game!
start "" /D"%THIS_DIR%" "Golf.exe"

Minimalist, for script writers:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=2 delims==." %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS GET LocalDateTime /VALUE') do @set "DT_STAMP=%%I" & call set "DT_STAMP=%%DT_STAMP:~0,4%%-%%DT_STAMP:~4,2%%-%%DT_STAMP:~6,2%%_%%DT_STAMP:~8,2%%.%%DT_STAMP:~10,2%%.%%DT_STAMP:~12,2%%"
if exist "%~dp0save" xcopy /Y "%~dp0save" "%~dp0save-%DT_STAMP%" /E /C /I /Q /H /R >nul & start "" /D"%~dp0" "Golf.exe"