Batch embed video files to html files (with Automator?)

Can the following be done with Automator, or any other tool/script on macOS?

  • I have multiple video files with various file names (always .mp4).
  • All video files must be embeded in to separate HTML documents.
  • The HTML-documents should have the same file name as the video file.
  • Both files should be placed together in a zip file.
  • The zip file should have the same name as both the video and the HTML file.

So, if I have the file video-to-html.mp4, I would like to end up with a zip file containing two files:


The contents of the HTML file would look like:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Lorem ipsum</title>
<video autoplay controls>
<source src="video-to-html.mp4" type="video/mp4">

I am not a developer, so I do not understand a lot of coding.

You can accomplish this easily with a short shell script:


for v do
    cat >>"${base}.html" <<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Lorem ipsum</title>
<video autoplay controls>
<source src="$v" type="video/mp4">

    rm -f "${base}.zip"
    zip "${base}.zip" "${base}.html" "$v"

Save it as a shell script in a convenient place, open Terminal, run chmod +x name-of-script and execute as ./name-of-script *.mp4