Are there any good typing tutors? [closed]
Klavaro(Click to install)
Or install from the command line with
sudo apt-get install klavaro
Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) or later
sudo apt install klavaro
Klavaro is a simple tutor to teach correct typing, almost independently of language and very flexible regarding to new or unknown keyboard layouts. Its key features are: * Internationalization * Ready to use keyboard layouts * Keyboard layout editor * Basic course * Adaptability, velocity and fluidness exercises * Progress charts.
OMG! Words!
OMG! Words! is free, cheesy and somewhat addictive. Better still it’s easy to play.If you have an internet connection OMG! Words! will pull glean a list of words from recent posts for you to ‘battle’ against (If you don’t have an internet connection then it just uses magic).
From OMG!Ubuntu!
Add the PPAs ppa:tommybrunn/omgwords
and ppa:bartbes/love-stable
to your Software Sources (Here's how to do that) and install omgwords from the Software Center.
I have been happy with Klavaro. It is better than previous tutors I have tried.
ktouch is a great application for this purpose.
There are also a quick game named tux typing :-)
For my purpose I use this program with wine. Maybe work with natty. Is available also in english language. Is not GPL.
I would recommend Tipp10. It's a really good program.
The Tipp 10 site.