If everyone in the world were a clone, would OPINIONS be considered OBJECTIVE? [closed]

Solution 1:

An opinion is still subjective if everyone has always, currently, and will always have it.

Consider the definitions of subjective:

  1. existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought

  2. pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual (here)

Now consider whether or not everyone having an opinion would make that opinion any less mental, or any less characteristic of an individual. It would not. It would still be mental and it would still be of an individual.

We can simplify your thought experiment to pump this intuition. Consider a world where there is only one individual and this individual has a single unchanging belief. His belief is that chocolate ice cream is tasty. In this scenario, we're still inclined to say that this belief is subjective, even though (by hypothesis) it's unchanging and shared by everyone.