Topological characterization of the closed interval $[0, 1]$.

I would like to learn purely topological characterizations of the closed real intervals (to justify the existence of algebraic topology). In particular, such a characterization should not use real numbers. I would like to see in what sense $[0, 1]$ is topologically more important than, for example, the set of rationals, or the complex unit disc. I am especially interested in why the unit interval is so important in the study of compact Hausdorff spaces (metrization, Urysohn's lemma).

I have come up with the following one.

Start with a definition of path connectedness that does not use $\mathbb R$: $x_1$ and $x_2$ are connected by a path in $X$ if for every Hausdorff compact $C$ and $a,b\in C$, there is a continuous $f\colon C\to X$ such that $f(a)=x_1$ and $f(b)=x_2$. Now, if $X$ is a Hausdorff space and distinct points $x_1$ and $x_2$ are connected by a path in $X$, then there is a minimal subspace of $X$ in which $x_1$ and $x_2$ are still connected by a path, and every such subspace is homeomorphic to $[0, 1]$.

Roughly speaking, $([0, 1], 0, 1)$ is the minimal bi-pointed Hausdorff space such that every bi-pointed Hausdorff compact can be mapped into it with the distinguished points being sent onto the distinguished points.

Maybe in some sense it can be also said that $X = [0, 1]$ is the "minimal" Hausdorff space such that every Hausdorff compact embeds into $X^N$ for some $N$, but i do not know how to make this precise.

My question is: what are other "natural" topological characterizations of $[0, 1]$?

Update: I have duplicated this question on MathOverflow.

Solution 1:

It is the unique second countable continuum with precisely two non-cutpoints. This is due to Veblen, according to this overview.

A continuum is a connected and compact Hausdorff space, and a cutpoint (in a connected space) is a point that when removed leaves the remainder disconnected. The second countable is a (non-reals using) way of saying metrisable. One can prove the compactness and connectedness purely from order completeness of the order.

Solution 2:

This is a duplicate of my answer on MO

Consider the class of all Hausdorff compacts with distinct points (i.e. which have more than $1$ point) that are absolute retracts in the class of Hausdorff compacts. Then $[0,1]$ is up to homeomorphism the only member of this class that embeds into every other.