Can't use window controls on maximized windows

When I maximise a window and hover my mouse where the window controls should be, they do not appear however if I hover my mouse over the file menu bar, they do appear but as soon as I move my mouse back, it disappears as if my mouse was elsewhere. This is only on maximised windows and I'm using Ubuntu 13.04.

Mouse over menu:
Mouse over menu, controls shown

Mouse over window controls:
Mouse over window controls, controls not shown

Solution 1:

This seems to be related to Steam and can be fixed by restarting (exiting then reopening) Steam.

The reason the old solution worked (posted below) was because of (what I believe to be) a bug which I have reported here,, but I'm not sure when it'll be fixed. The bug caused Steam to exit when opening a 13.04 Unity logout or shutdown dialog.

I've reported the window controls bug here:

Original solution:

Fixed by opening a logout or shutdown dialog in Unity with Ubuntu 13.04. Opening a dialog and cancelling it will fix the problem.