PS4 Game Share technical issues
If you are referring to "Share Play" as the mechanism for your brother sharing a game, then what you're asking is not possible.
"Share Play" means you're streaming the game of another persons console. You can only play the game while both players are online, and the game is not installed on your own console. So in short, you cannot re-share a "Share Play" game.
If you brother is sharing the game by using the primary account of another person (by effectively knowing their PSN login details), then again the game can only be used on 2 consoles - the Primary one (in this case your console), and the friend's console (which originally purchased the game). You can share it with another person, but it means you can no longer play it (since the new person will become the primary account user). This process also invoiced activating and deactivate the consoles as "Primary".