How to stop long downloads/uploads to iCloud when browsing with Finder shared folder in other macs on the same LAN

Every time I go to Finder and I select a shared folder in other macs on the same lan I notice that there is a long delay before the content of that folder is displayed.

The network monitor of Little Snitch shows me that uploads and downloads are performed to When these uploads and downloads stop, the content of the shared folder is finally shown in Finder.

network monitor

How can I stop these downloads and uploads to happening when I select with Finder a shared folder in other macs on my same LAN?

Please notice that I have the following Finder preferences: finder preferences

And and the following iCloud system preferences: enter image description here

Please notice that all my macs are on mac os x 10.12.6 Sierra.

Solution 1:

For simplicity, I recommend using SFTP to transfer files. SFTP moves files using an SSH session. SSH can do authentication by user credentials, or by public keys.

It's secure, fast on modern hardware, and with modern tools, relatively convenient.

Here's one way to do that:

  1. Turn on "Remote Login" in System Preferences->Sharing on the remote Mac (be sure to Allow access for: All users)
  2. Create user credentials on the remote Mac
  3. Download an FTP client that can do SFTP. My recommendation is Filezilla.

Use the FTP client to log in by SFTP to the remote Mac, and Bob's your uncle.