Where can I check spell hunger for my spells?

Where, in game, can I check how much hunger each of my spells will cost me?

I know I can check my morgue file by dumping with # but that's tedious.

There are several ways to check the Hunger requirements for your spells. I play tiles, so ASCII may not have all of the same features.

The best way to get all of the information about a spell you can cast, or a spell you can learn, is looking at the spell in a spellbook.

The following images were captured playing online with tiles.

This can be accomplished by pressing i (Inventory) -> pressing the key for the book you wish to read (here you can see that is c)

DCSS inventory

-> pressing the key for the spell you wish to get information for (here I am looking at Mephitic Cloud, which is f).

enter image description here

This will bring up an information box which includes a Hunger rating in the form ....... to #######, with the # character representing increasing Hunger used to cast.

enter image description here

Playing offline with tiles, there is also hotbar of memorized spells. Hovering over these with a mouse will provide similar information.

The way to check spell hunger for the spells you have memorized is to press z.

Then press ? to open your list of spells.

Then press ! or I to toggle spell view instead of spell casting.

This will show the spell hunger for all the spells you have memorized.