What are all the available ACL attributes in Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra?

Solution 1:

A comprehensive list of ACL attributes is available by consulting the man pages:

man chmod

If you prefer a GUI app to show man pages download and install e.g. ManOpen (free) or Dash for macOS (a few $$).

I won't list the whole documentation of chmod:



 ACLs are manipulated using extensions to the symbolic mode grammar.  Each
 file has one ACL, containing an ordered list of entries.  Each entry
 refers to a user or group, and grants or denies a set of permissions.  In
 cases where a user and a group exist with the same name, the user/group
 name can be prefixed with "user:" or "group:" in order to specify the
 type of name.

 If the user or group name contains spaces you can use ':' as the delim-
 iter between name and permission.

 The following permissions are applicable to all filesystem objects:
       delete  Delete the item.  Deletion may be granted by either this
               permission on an object or the delete_child right on the
               containing directory.
               Read an objects basic attributes.  This is implicitly
               granted if the object can be looked up and not explicitly
               Write an object's basic attributes.