Environment Specific application.properties file in Spring Boot application [closed]

In my Spring Boot application, i want to create environment specific properties file. The packaging type of my application in war and i am executing it in embedded tomcat. I use sts and execute the main from sts itself.

  1. Can i have environment specific properties file like application-${env-value}.properties?

In above case, env-value will have values as local/devl/test/prod

  1. Where to set the env-value file? For local, i can set it as the jvm argument through sts

  2. Who reads the application.properties in Spring Boot application.

  3. How to load the environment specific properties file? For ex - if i set the database uid,pwd, schema etc in environment specific property file, in that case will the datasource be able to understand the properties in it?

  4. Can i use application.properties and application-local.properties file at same time?

Solution 1:

Spring Boot already has support for profile based properties.

Simply add an application-[profile].properties file and specify the profiles to use using the spring.profiles.active property.


This will load the application.properties and the application-local.properties with the latter overriding properties from the first.

Solution 2:

Yes you can. Since you are using spring, check out @PropertySource anotation.

Anotate your configuration with


You can call it what ever you like, and add inn multiple property files if you like too. Can be nice if you have more sets and/or defaults that belongs to all environments (can be written with @PropertySource{...,...,...} as well).


Then you can start the application with environment


In this example, name will be replaced with application-test-properties and so on.