Git for Windows doesn't execute my .bashrc file

OK, I found out the problem. Quite simply, the bash terminal used by the latest Git for Windows 2.5.0 (mintty) doesn't bother to read .bashrc - it reads .bash_profile. So you can set up your environment in .bash_profile and/or put this code at the start to read .bashrc:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]
    . ~/.bashrc

Same thing happened to me when I upgraded to Git Bash 2.5.0 in Windows 10. I renamed my '.bashrc' -> '.bash_profile' and relaunched Git Bash. Everything's working as usual again.

mv ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile

It appears the latest version of git for Windows ( uses a 'profile' file now instead of the .bash_profile. I assume this is so it isn't hidden and a valid file name. Didn't seem to cause any issues before, but maybe it was confusing to people.