Finding the position where a picture was taken

Solution 1:


Taking a geo and camera reference systems as shown in the sketch, with an evident meaning of the various terms, we may consider that, prior to translation, the camera is rotated around the $z$ axis by an angle $\gamma$, and then by an angle $\alpha$ around the new axis $x'$.
The two angles are taken according to the right-hand rule, and will be normally small.

Therefore we have that the new unit vectors will have coordinates $$ \left( {{\bf i'}\,|\,{\bf j'}\,|\,{\bf k'}} \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x'}} (\alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} (\gamma )\left( {{\bf i}\,|\,{\bf j}\,|\,{\bf k}} \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} (\gamma ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} (\alpha )\left( {{\bf i}\,|\,{\bf j}\,|\,{\bf k}} \right) $$ where $$ {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} (\alpha ) = \left( {\matrix{ 1 & 0 & 0 \cr 0 & {\cos \alpha } & { - \sin \alpha } \cr 0 & {\sin \alpha } & {\cos \alpha } \cr } } \right) \quad {\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} (\gamma ) = \left( {\matrix{ {\cos \gamma } & { - \sin \gamma } & 0 \cr {\sin \gamma } & {\cos \gamma } & 0 \cr 0 & 0 & 1 \cr } } \right) $$

A (vertical) vector fixed in the geo-reference will tranform in the inverse way $$ \left( {\matrix{ {x'} \cr {y'} \cr {z'} \cr } } \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ^{\, - \,{\bf 1}} (\alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ^{\, - \,{\bf 1}} (\gamma )\left( {\matrix{ x \cr y \cr z \cr } } \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma ) \left( {\matrix{ x \cr y \cr z \cr } } \right) $$

We have then to add a translation vector $$ \left( {\matrix{ {x'} \cr {y'} \cr {z'} \cr } } \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma ) \left( {\left( {\matrix{ x \cr y \cr z \cr } } \right) - \left( {\matrix{ {s_{\,x} } \cr {s_{\,y} } \cr {s_{\,z} } \cr } } \right)} \right) $$ such that $$ \eqalign{ & \left( {\matrix{ 0 \cr { - f} \cr 0 \cr } } \right) = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma ) \left( {\left( {\matrix{ {c_{\,x} } \cr {c_{\,y} } \cr {c_{\,z} } \cr } } \right) - \left( {\matrix{ {s_{\,x} } \cr {s_{\,y} } \cr {s_{\,z} } \cr } } \right)} \right)\quad \Rightarrow \cr & \Rightarrow \quad \left( {\matrix{ {s_{\,x} } \cr {s_{\,y} } \cr {s_{\,z} } \cr } } \right) = \left( {\matrix{ {c_{\,x} } \cr {c_{\,y} } \cr {c_{\,z} } \cr } } \right) + {\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} (\gamma ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} (\alpha ) \left( {\matrix{ 0 \cr f \cr 0 \cr } } \right)\quad \Rightarrow \cr & \Rightarrow \quad {\bf s} = {\bf c} + f\,{\bf n} \cr} $$

The line from $\bf p_k$ through $\bf c$ has equation $$ {\bf x} = {\bf p}_{\,k} + \lambda _{\,k} \left( {{\bf c} - {\bf p}_{\,k} } \right) $$ which in the camera reference translates into $$ \eqalign{ & {\bf x}' = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma )\left( {{\bf x} - {\bf s}} \right) = \cr & = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma )\left( {{\bf p}_{\,k} + \lambda _{\,k} \left( {{\bf c} - {\bf p}_{\,k} } \right) - {\bf s}} \right) = \cr & = {\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma )\left( {\left( {\lambda _{\,k} - 1} \right)\left( {{\bf c} - {\bf p}_{\,k} } \right) - f\,{\bf n}} \right) = \cr & = \left( {\lambda _{\,k} - 1} \right){\bf R}_{\,{\bf x}} ( - \alpha ){\bf R}_{\,{\bf z}} ( - \gamma )\left( {{\bf c} - {\bf p}_{\,k} } \right) - \left( {0,f,0} \right)^{\,T} = \cr & = {\bf q}_{\,k} = \left( {x'_{\,k} ,0,z'_{\,k} } \right)^{\,T} \cr} $$ and $\lambda _{\,k} $ shall be such as to render the $y'_{\,k}$ coordinate null.

In conclusion, we have as unknown the two angles $\alpha, \, \gamma$, the three components of $\bf c$, and if it is unknown, $f$.
Each couple of corresponding points will provide two equations (net of of the introduction of the further unknown $\lambda _{\,k} $).
We need therefore at least three couples of corresponding points.

To counterbalance the error/indetermination in the coordinates the addition of further points will be beneficial and can be dealt by Least Square Error methods.

Solution 2:

I calculate that the camera was at approximately $$\text{coordinates }(-13.1611, -72.5427),\ \text{elevation } 2515.16$$

This comes from a problem in 4 unknowns: 3 positions for the Cartesian coordinates $(P_i,P_j,P_k)$ of the camera, and 1 factor $r$ which relates camera angles to picture distances.

Specifically, I assume that if the camera is at $P$, then two points $X$ and $Y$ are separated in the picture by a distance in pixels of $${XY}_3 := r\, \tan(\angle XPY).$$ (The subscript 3 indicates that this is calculated from the 3-dimensional cordinates.) By the identity $\tan^2=-1+\sec^2$ we get $${XY}_3^2 = r^2\left(-1+\frac{1}{\cos^2(\angle XPY)}\right)$$ $${XY}_3^2 = r^2\left(-1+\frac{|P-X|^2|P-Y|^2}{((P-X)\cdot(P-Y))^2}\right)$$ We compare this with the actual 2-dimensional distance in pixels, which we call ${XY}_2$. We should have ${XY}_3={XY}_2$ for all pairs of points in the picture, and we can approximate this by minimizing $$\sum_{X,Y} ({XY}_3^2-{XY}_2^2)^2$$ starting from a guess that $P$ is the average of the points on the map, and $r$ is roughly the pixel-size of the picture.

Here is Mathematica code for the calculation, including a conversion between latitude-longitude-altitude and a Cartesian coordinate system based at the center of the earth.

red    = {-13.156197, -72.546324, 2494, 1229, 1201}
blue   = {-13.161653, -72.545699, 2450, 1050, 1938}
pink   = {-13.158724, -72.540743, 1994, 2156, 2436}
yellow = {-13.166027, -72.542900, 2394, 1604, 2545}
green  = {-13.163450, -72.544715, 2456, 1208, 2165}
data   = {red, blue, pink, yellow, green}

earthrad    = 2 10^7/Pi
phi[x_]    := x[[1]] Pi/180
theta[x_]  := x[[2]] Pi/180
meters[x_] := {Cos[theta[x]] Cos[phi[x]],
               Sin[theta[x]] Cos[phi[x]], 
               Sin[phi[x]]} (earthrad + x[[3]])

p               = {pi, pj, pk}
Norm2[x_]      := x.x
dist3d[x_, y_] := r^2 (-1 + Norm2[p - x] Norm2[p - y]/((p - x).(p - y))^2)
delta[x_, y_]  := (dist3d[meters[x], meters[y]] - Norm2[(x - y)[[4 ;; 5]]])^2

deltas = Sum[delta[data[[i]], data[[j]]], {i, 1, 4}, {j, i + 1, 5}];
avg    = meters[Mean[data]]
sol    = FindMinimum[deltas, {pi, avg[[1]]}, {pj, avg[[2]]}, {pk, avg[[3]]}, {r, 1000}]

tosphere[{x_, y_, z_}] := {ArcSin[z/Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + z^2]] 180/Pi,
                           ArcTan[y/x] 180/Pi,
                           Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + z^2] - earthrad}
tosphere[p /. sol[[2]]]