Serializing anonymous delegates in C#

Solution 1:

Did you see this post that I wrote as a followup to the CountingDemo: ? Unfortunately, Microsoft have confirmed that they probably will change the compiler details (one day), in a way that is likely to cause problems. (e.g. f/when you update to the new compiler, you won't be able to deserialise the stuff you saved under the old (current) compiler.)

Solution 2:

Some objects need execute arbitrary "events" reaching some condition.

Just how arbitrary are these events? Can they be counted, assigned ID's and mapped to referentially?

public class Command<T> where T : ISerializable
  T _target;
  int _actionId;
  int _conditionId;

  public Command<T>(T Target, int ActionId, int ConditionId)
    _target = Target;
    _actionId = ActionId;
    _conditionId = ConditionId;

  public bool FireRule()
    Func<T, bool> theCondition = conditionMap.LookupCondition<T>(_conditionId)
    Action<T> theAction = actionMap.LookupAction<T>(_actionId);

    if (theCondition(_target))
      return true;
    return false;

Solution 3:

The whole idea of serializing a delegate is very risky. Now, an expression might make sense, but even that is hard to express - although the dynamic-LINQ samples go some way to allowing a form of text-based expression.

What exactly is it you want to do with a serialized delegate? I really don't think this is a good idea...

Solution 4:

Since this state is local though that leads to issues when trying to setup a mapping.

Wouldn't local state present the exact same problems for serialization?

Suppose the compiler and the framework allowed this to work:

Other o = FromSomeWhere();
Thing t = OtherPlace();
target.OnWhatever = () => t.DoFoo() + o.DoBar();

I guess t and o had to be serialized too. The methods don't have the state, the instances do.

Later, you deserialize target. Don't you get new copies of t and o? Won't these copies be out of sync with any changes to the original t and o?

Also: couldn't your manual example be called this way?

Other o = FromSomeWhere();
Thing t = OtherPlace();
target.OnWhatever = new DoFooBar() {Other = o, Thing = t} .Run;