Setup for Giant's Keep

What are the most effective of my monsters for Giant's Keep B7 and up?

My monsters;

Fairy King-Fire 5*

Chimera- Fire 5*

Arang- Wind 5*

Beast Monk- Water 5*

Belledeon- Light 4*

Raoq- Fire 4*

Barbarian King- Fire 4*

Megan-Water 4*

Magic Knight- Water 5*

Bernard- Wind 5*

Undine- Fire 5*

Anubus-Water 5*

Konamya- Water 3*

Answer based on speed clearing please(or possible clearing).

To separate a save team from a speed team I'll post this as new answer instead.

Your ultimate goal is to clear Giants B10 in around 1 minute. There are faster ones with ~30 seconds, but that will require A LOT of work and is likely opinion based, because there are a few options people often discuss on Reddit.

Monsters you'll find useful for a speed team:

  • Lushen (Wind Joker)
  • Theomars (Water Ifrit)
  • Galleon (Water Pirate Captain)
  • Sigmarus (Water Phoenix)
  • something useful [see below]

Lushen is important to quickly clear the trash waves, Theo and Sig are good at single nuking, while Sig also helps effectively clearing the trash. Galleon is a 2-in-1 Buffer and Debuffer and absolutely worth it.

[Your 5th Monster]

In DB10 Tarq (Water Hellhound) is pure win compared to how easy you get him. He also does a pretty decent job in GB10. You can as well bring Vero (Dark Ifrit) or Orochi (Wind Ninja) and use their DoTs to bring down the boss. Vero also helps CCing the trash.

By the lack of useful monsters you should probably try to learn how to use "lower tier" monsters. There's a bunch of 2* and 3* monsters that are really important and those can help you getting through the dungeons with ease without being Nat5*.
Also it is more important to run the dungeon safely first. If you've done that you can try to get more speed in it (but that requires monsters that are a lot harder to get).

You should take some time farming a good team in order to tackle the dungeons properly. They're hard to beat for a reason. Also a few good monsters suitable for Giants can also be used elsewhere.

This is a good composition to tackle Giants B9 and 10, which should be your goal at the end of the day. For B8 you might want to bring something different. Veromos or Beretta as leader make things easier (instead of Konamiya). The other 4 mons are absolutely worth it in all three stages.

Monster                     |   Where to get it
----                        -   -----
Bernard (Wind Griffon)      |   Tamor Desert, Mystical Scroll, Wind Scroll, ...
Konamiya (Water Garuda)     |   Unknown Scroll, Shop, Secret Dungeon,...
Darion (Light Vagabond)     |   Secret Dungeon
Belladeon (Light Inugami)   |   Secret Dungeon
Shannon (Wind Pixie)        |   Unknown Scroll, Shop, Secret Dungeon,...

As you can see you don't need any Nat4* or 5* to succeed in Giants.