Move character from Random Gen to Navezgane Map

Finally realized what the issue was here. I was thinking about the only thing that is intrinsically different between random gen and Navezgane was the size of the map. So I ended up being out of bounds for Navezgane. In my Random Gen game, I put a marker at 0,0, and started running for that position. Once I was pretty close, I tried again, and it worked perfectly.

Just wanted to follow up with an answer for posterity, since I know there is a large contingent of people who do this.


Going into more detail, basically the boundaries of the Navezgane map are much smaller (the distance you can travel from 0,0 until you hit the radiated zone) than in the random gen maps. Basically the issue I ran into was I was so far outside of the Navezgane map boundary that I was attempting to spawn into an area that was completely out of bounds (not even in the radiated area) of the Navezgane map. Once I moved closer to 0,0 in my previous random gen map, I was able to copy my player file over to a Navezgane map and spawned in near the center of the map.