Prevent application from requesting password on MacOS

Solution 1:

In my opinion, any app which is routinely asking to escalate permissions is either badly written or suspect, or is an admin-type tool which should be run intentionally from an already-elevated user condition at all times.

If this is supposedly an app aimed at everyday users, and it's routinely needing escalation, that indicates it's needing to change preferences or permissions in a way which violates the most basic tenets of security and/or sandboxing to a degree which would worry me until I determined exactly what the offending subprocess(es) was or were, why this caused continual escalation, and if that was either acceptable to me or defensible in some manner.

So for me, the answer would start with "what, why and how" is causing the escalation, and only after nailing that down really solidly would I consider undertaking setting this app to always run elevated, which honestly is a simple thing to do in Terminal, but... it's very much a non-trivial, only do it when both essential and you are dead sure it's safe and appropriate way to go.