Centering Text in a JTextArea or JTextPane - Horizontal Text Alignment

Is there a way to create horizontally centered text for a JTextArea like with a JTextField?


Is there a way I can accomplish the same thing with a multi-line text area? I can't find a method for it with JTextArea, so is there another option? JTextPane? If so, how?

Solution 1:

You need to use a JTextPane and use attributes. The following should center all the text:

StyledDocument doc = textPane.getStyledDocument();
SimpleAttributeSet center = new SimpleAttributeSet();
StyleConstants.setAlignment(center, StyleConstants.ALIGN_CENTER);
doc.setParagraphAttributes(0, doc.getLength(), center, false);


Vertical centering is not supported as far as I know. Here is some code you might find useful: Vertical Alignment of JTextPane