How can you try to spawn a pre-tamed cat with or without commands? [duplicate]

I want to spawn a pre-tamed black cat and name it "Suki I" and have a black baby cat named "Suki II". How do you do said action without spawn eggs?

Solution 1:

Command for the adult cat:

/summon ocelot ~ ~ ~ {Owner:MCAydenBird,CatType:1,CustomName:"Suki I"}

Command for the baby cat:

/summon ocelot ~ ~ ~ {Owner:MCAydenBird,CatType:1,CustomName:"Suki II",Age:-72000}

The baby cat will stay a baby for 72,000 ticks or about an hour. You can input much longer durations. As an example, I tried -2000000000. The command succeeds and it produces a kitten. The math on that would work out to over 3 years if 20 ticks was exactly a second.

Here is the ocelot data values on the wiki if you want to mess with tags a little more.

Edit: Response to the comment.

From the ocelot data values wiki link in the answer above:

CatType: The ID of the skin the ocelot has. 0 = wild ocelot, 1 = tuxedo, 2 = tabby, 3 = siamese.