Stream Jackbox games with friends in voice chat

I am looking for a way to share my game audio in a voice chat environment.

Goal: Have a group of friends playing JackBox games remotely. Then stream said game to twitch. Problem: My friends can see the game video via screensharing but cannot hear the audio except to watch the stream, but that means that they hear themselves repeated.

Possible Solutions: I've tried installing VB Cable and VoiceMeeter to try and push my system audio to the voice chat. I followed this tutorial.

Even after following it exactly, I could not make the game sound go through to my voice chat. I'm ok not having a mic via my computer because I can join the call through another device. I don't think I got it set up correctly at all though. It wasn't behaving like the tutorial at all. I tried using stereo mix recording device to no avail.

Any other ideas for streaming JackBox games with the players in a voice call together?

Solution 1:

If you are playing on a console, you can do a group chat or party. By doing this you'll be able to hear each other and stream the game too. Streaming on Mixer for Xbox will have a much smaller delay.