What is the short cut in eclipse to terminate debugging/running?
Go to Preferences -> General -> Keys
Find "Terminate" Set your binding to whatever you want (in my case F12).
Then change "When" from "Debugging" to "Editing Java Source".
Works for me, now.
Going to Customize Perspective only showed me the bindings I already had, not let me set them.
As said here, you can add/enable the Debug command group to any perspective usingWindow / Customize Perspective > Commands
(Select the 'Debug' group)
Then open the Debug view in the Java perspective (as a Fast view perhaps) and you should get your Terminate keybinding.
I suppose it was not working because you tried it in a non-debug session.
Alright, this is an admittedly lame answer, but here goes. CTRL+F2 just isn't working for me (from any perspective). I have no idea why. I'm running 3.5.2
So I hit Alt, R, T, Enter.
Alt, to get to the top menu bar. R, to select the run menu. T, to select terminate. Finally, enter to actually invoke it. It's really not that bad. Lame? Yes. Faster than a mouse click? Certainly.
Have a debug view open on your perspective (Alt+Shift+Q, Q -> find Debug). Once your application is running, use CTRL+F7 (Command+F7 on mac) to switch to Debug view, press down to highlight the launched app, and trigger your terminate shortcut
Referring to this answer, I don't think it works all the time because depending on what was run, eclipse might not register the 'terminate' command as available.
For example when I run my project using maven (m2e plugin), the terminate button on console view is available, but not on the menu. See screenshot below (I used Springsource Tools Suite 2.9.2 which is based on eclipse indigo, and m2e 1.0.200)
This is because the launched application is not selected by default on the debug view.
This problem is discussed on eclipse forum thread here.
Read all these, but found no simple way. So, I threw together a very simple plugin.
Hope it helps someone else as well.