Where should I place templates and config file in debian hierarchy

I am writing a debian binary package for my application (foo). The postinst (post install) script wants to ask the user few questions and get the answers as well. I am trying to achieve this using debconf. But I am not able to see the UI screen, prompting user with questions. I doubt if my config and templates are even called by dpkg. I am using all the instructions as per the link debconf tutorial Could someone please clarify me on the below questions:

  1. I am placing the “config” script and “templates “ file inside /debian/tmp/DEBIAN/ . So is it the correct location in debian hierarchy? Are the names correct?
  2. Are my below scripts correct?

Snippet of control file (only relevant fields I am posting)

Depends: debconf (>= 0.2.17)

Snippet of config file

set -e

#echo "Config being called"

# Source debconf library.
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule

# Do you like debian?
db_input medium foo/like_debian || true

# Check their answer.
db_get foo/like_debian
if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
    # Poor misguided one..
    db_input high foo/why_debian_is_great || true

Snippet of templates file

Template: foo/like_debian
Type: boolean
Description: Do you like Debian?
We'd like to know if you like the Debian GNU/Linux system.

Template: foo/why_debian_is_great
Type: note
Description: Poor misguided one. Why are you installing this package?
Debian is great. As you continue using Debian, we hope you will
discover the error in your ways.

Snippet of preinst:

set -e
#echo "Stage preinst" $1

exit 0

Snippet of postinst:

set -e
#echo "Stage postinst" $1

# Source debconf library.
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule

db_get foo/like_debian
if [ "$RET" = "false" ]; then
    touch "/home/myhome/ITWORKED"

exit 0

Snippet of prerm:

set -e
#echo "Stage prerm" $1

exit 0

Snippet of postrm:

set -e
#echo "postrm" $1

exit 0

Thanks, -Sandeep

I made a blog post about creating your own debian packages at:


To save you from some reading, the directory structure should be like this:

    • control (required)
    • templates (optional)
    • preinst (optional, chmod 0755)
    • postinst (optional, chmod 0755)
    • prerm (optional, chmod 0755)
    • postrm (optional, chmod 0755)
  • … (files to be installed at specified location)

Make sure the permissions and locations are like this, and it should work :)

I had the same issue that my question was only asked with a dpkg-reconfigure and not an install dpkg -i. My solution was to add a

db_fset package-name/question_name seen false


db_input high package-name/question_name || true