Create a keyboard shortcut for macOS Share Menu

UPDATE: Added screenshots to clarify what the macOS share menu is. This is located on iOS and macOS as an arrow icon on Apple applications (a majority of them). The screenshots are from Safari's share menu.

I'm looking for a way to toggle the Share Menu you can find on many apps such as Mail, Safari, Messages, Finder, etc.

I've looked everywhere for a way to create a shortcut for a specific option on the dropdown. Such as the Message share menu or Reminders. The dropdown application option I want is not an apple native application.

This discussion is exactly what I'm looking for however their resolution was to not create a successfully working shortcut for the Share Menu.

Any help would be appreciated. Per usual, searching anything macOS related gives results that don't have anything to do with you search keywords therefore that was no help.

Share menu in the Safari toolbar

Share menu from the File menu dropdown ***Notice the key-bind for your default Mail application

Solution 1:

You can set the custom shortcuts via System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> App Shortcuts

The trick is to specify the exact path to the menu item. For instance if you wish to add a shortcut for Share Messages, you have to write for "Menu Title":


enter image description here enter image description here