Deleting a div with a particlular class using BeautifulSoup

I want to delete the specific div from soup object.
I am using python 2.7 and bs4.

According to documentation we can use div.decompose().

But that would delete all the div. How can I delete a div with specific class?

Sure, you can just select, find, or find_all the divs of interest in the usual way, and then call decompose() on those divs.

For instance, if you want to remove all divs with class sidebar, you could do that with

# replace with `soup.findAll` if you are using BeautifulSoup3
for div in soup.find_all("div", {'class':'sidebar'}): 

If you want to remove a div with a specific id, say main-content, you can do that with

soup.find('div', id="main-content").decompose()

This will help you:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

markup = '<a>This is not div <div class="1">This is div 1</div><div class="2">This is div 2</div></a>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(markup,"html.parser")
a_tag = soup


print a_tag


<a>This is not div <div class="1">This is div 1</div></a>

Let me know if it helps

Hope it help:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import Tag

markup = '<a>This is not div <div class="1">This is div 1</div><div class="2">This is div 2</div></a>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(markup,"html.parser")

for tag in'div.1'):
