How could I bind docker container to specific external interface

I have two network interfaces, eth0 and eth1,

How could I bind all docker container to eth1, and let all network traffic go out and in via the eth1



I tried to bind to the eth1 with

But i still got no luck, i still get the eth0 IP as the public IP in the container. the network flow is not go out via eth1

➜  ~  docker run -d --name Peach_1 -p -ti sample/ubuntu-vnc-selenium-firefox

➜  ~  docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                     NAMES
eb28f0d1c337        sample/ubuntu-vnc-selenium-firefox   "/opt/bin/run_sele_s   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes        5901/tcp,>9998/tcp   Peach_1

➜  ~  docker exec -ti Peach_1 zsh

➜  /  curl ; echo

Here's something from the docker docs

If you want to be more restrictive and only allow container services to be contacted through a specific external interface on the host machine, you have two choices. When you invoke docker run you can use either -p IP:host_port:container_port or -p IP::port to specify the external interface for one particular binding. Or if you always want Docker port forwards to bind to one specific IP address, you can edit your system-wide Docker server settings and add the option --ip=IP_ADDRESS. Remember to restart your Docker server after editing this setting.