What is the max level cap?

Some of the people in steam said that they reached 90 (most probably they cheated their way up since the game just came out), while some other web sources claim it is 40. I'm not sure which one is correct. By looking at the perk tree, if 40 is max level then you can't really unlock each and every perk in there (some perks cost 2 points, other costs 1 and some perks can be upgraded by points multiple times).

Anyway, what is the max level cap in AC:Origins?

A tweet of the game director confirmed the level cap it's 40.

(content of tweet)

Level cap is 40

As mentioned by @user199176

You can get skill points from tombs and other secrets on the map. Explore and do stuff and you'll get more points.


  • The hidden ones DLC increased the level cap to 45.
  • The Curse of the Pharoahs DLC pushes it even further to 55