"New Item" in Finder's right-click menu

Solution 1:

1 - Create anywhere on your computer a Source folder with the files you want to use:

enter image description here

2 - Open Automator and create a new service:

enter image description here

3 - Set the Service to receive a folder in Finder as input:

enter image description here

4 - Drag a "Set Value of Variable" action to the workflow:

enter image description here

5 - Save a new variable "Storage":

enter image description here

6 - Now that we have the target location lets clear the memory placing an Applescript action using this code:

tell application "System Events"
    set the clipboard to {}
end tell

enter image description here

7 - Get the file you created using a "Get Specific Finder Item" action:

enter image description here

8 - Copy to the new folder using a "Copy Finder Item" action and dragging the Storage variable from the bottom:

enter image description here

9 - Save your workflow:

enter image description here

10 - Usage - select the folder you want, right click and find your service:

enter image description here

11 - Repeat the process for the zip file or other files you want.

Edit: if you know how to Applescript and want to improve further, you can use a dialog box to choose between several filetypes and build a single service, using a "choose from" command like this:

set fileType to (choose from list {"txt", "zip", "etc"} with prompt "Choose File")

Solution 2:

You can add Services to Finder's right-click context menu using Automator: create a workflow which you save as a Service, and it'll be available upon right-click.

I know that out of the box you can add create new text file and create new keynote presentation that way, as well as new folder, new folder within folder and so on, but... I think you may need to find more Automator actions for other document types to be able to add a "new type XX file" to your Finder Service.
