Facebook Graph API GET request - Should contain "fields" parameter (Swift, Facebook SDK v4.5.1)
this line needs a parameters value that is NOT nil
let graphRequest : FBSDKGraphRequest = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath: "me", parameters: nil)
I'll expand more, for example, and this is psuedo code of sorts:
so for ObjC it would be this, for example, so the the above would read the following:
parameters:@{@"fields": @"id, name"}
In swift it would be something similar
something like this:
parameters:["fields": "email"]
This is for just two fields, and again it's psuedo code, but you need to specify the parameters
Im adding this update to show folks where you find the parameters for the fields as described above, here's a quick link:
Here's the Paramters field info (this should stay roughly static with FBSDK, some of this is "core" which means it won't really change that much, but I'll update whenever I can):
The format of the info below is the following, sort of, I just did this quickly:
"parameter" "type"
id numeric string
The id of this person's user account. This ID is unique to each app and cannot be used across different apps. Our upgrade guide provides more information about app-specific IDs
about string
The About Me section of this person's profile
age_range AgeRange
The age segment for this person expressed as a minimum and maximum age. For example, more than 18, less than 21.
bio string
The person's bio
birthday string
The person's birthday. This is a fixed format string, like MM/DD/YYYY. However, people can control who can see the year they were born separately from the month and day so this string can be only the year (YYYY) or the month + day (MM/DD)
context UserContext
Social context for this person
currency Currency
The person's local currency information
devices list
The list of devices the person is using. This will return only iOS and Android devices
education list
The person's education
email string
The person's primary email address listed on their profile. This field will not be returned if no valid email address is available
favorite_athletes list
Athletes the person likes
favorite_teams list
Sports teams the person likes
first_name string
The person's first name
gender string
The gender selected by this person, male or female. This value will be omitted if the gender is set to a custom value
hometown Page
The person's hometown
inspirational_people list
The person's inspirational people
install_type enum
Install type
installed bool
Is the app making the request installed?
interested_in list
Genders the person is interested in
is_shared_login bool
Is this a shared login (e.g. a gray user)
is_verified bool
People with large numbers of followers can have the authenticity of their identity manually verified by Facebook. This field indicates whether the person's profile is verified in this way. This is distinct from the verified field
languages list
Facebook Pages representing the languages this person knows
last_name string
The person's last name
link string
A link to the person's Timeline
location Page
The person's current location as entered by them on their profile. This field is not related to check-ins
locale string
The person's locale
meeting_for list
What the person is interested in meeting for
**middle_name string
The person's middle name
name string
The person's full name
name_format string
The person's name formatted to correctly handle Chinese, Japanese, or Korean ordering
payment_pricepoints PaymentPricepoints
The person's payment pricepoints
test_group unsigned int32
Platform test group
political string
The person's political views
relationship_status string
The person's relationship status
religion string
The person's religion
security_settings SecuritySettings
Security settings
significant_other User
The person's significant other
sports list
Sports this person likes
quotes string
The person's favorite quotes
third_party_id string
A string containing an anonymous, but unique identifier for the person. You can use this identifier with third parties
timezone float (min: -24) (max: 24)
The person's current timezone offset from UTC
token_for_business string
A token that is the same across a business's apps. Access to this token requires that the person be logged into your app. This token will change if the business owning the app changes
updated_time datetime
Updated time
shared_login_upgrade_required_by datetime
The time that the shared loginneeds to be upgraded to Business Manager by
verified bool
Indicates whether the account has been verified. This is distinct from the is_verified field. Someone is considered verified if they take any of the following actions:
Register for mobile Confirm their account via SMS Enter a valid credit card
video_upload_limits VideoUploadLimits
Video upload limits
viewer_can_send_gift bool
Can the viewer send a gift to this person?
website string
The person's website
work list
Details of a person`s work experience
public_key string
The person's PGP public key
cover CoverPhoto
Also, here's the current "Edge" stuff: The format for "Edge' stuff is this, roughly, I did this quickly:
Developers' favorite requests to the Graph API
Developers' Graph API request history
Facebook Pages this person administers/is an admin for
Achievements made in Facebook games
The advertising accounts to which this person has access
Ad account groups
The person's ad contracts
Groups the user admins
Insights data for the person's Audience Network apps
The photo albums this person has created
This person's pending requests from an app
App requests
The books listed on this person's profile
The domains the user admins
Events for this person. By default this does not include events the person has declined or not replied to
This person's family relationships.
A list of filters that can be applied to the News Feed edge
The person's custom friend lists
Business entities can claim ownership of multiple apps using the Business Manager. This edge returns the list of IDs that this user has in any of those other apps
A list of friends that can be invited to install a Facebook Canvas app
Games this person likes
The Facebook Groups that the person belongs to
All the Pages this person has liked
Movies this person likes
Music this person likes
The permissions that the person has granted this app
Photos the person is tagged in or has uploaded
The person's profile picture
List of tagged places for this person. It can include tags on videos, posts, statuses or links
All the domains user can promote
All the events which user can promote.
Friends that can be tagged in content published via the Graph API
TV shows this person likes
Videos the person is tagged in or uploaded
Video broadcasts from this person
The Facebook apps that this person is a developer of.
The checkins this person has made.
The feed of posts (including status updates) and links published by this person.
A person's pending friend requests.
A person's friends.
A person's Facebook homepage feed.
A person's Facebook Messages inbox.
A feed of posts and photos that include location information and in which this person has been tagged. This is useful for constructing a chronology of places that the person has visited.
The list of mutual friends between two people.
The unread Facebook notifications that a person has.
A person's Facebook Messages outbox.
The questions that a person has created.
The scores this person has received from Facebook Games that they've played.
The profiles that are following this person.
The profile that this person is following.
use "fields" as Key and then comma separate your values
let params = ["fields": "email, friends"]
In Obj-C insert in the logInWithReadPermissions method:
parameters:@{@"fields": @"id, name, email"}
if you leave nil in parameters you only receive id and name in the result object, although you have set for example:
NSArray *permissionsArray = @[ @"email", @"public_profile"];
It´s not very clear in the documentation, hope it can helps.
I had the same problem, but adding field options would generate a request error when fetching the user photo. I solved this problem by adding a simple parameters:@{@"fields": @""}
to the code:
FBSDKGraphRequest *request = [[FBSDKGraphRequest alloc] initWithGraphPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"me/picture"]
parameters:@{@"fields": @""}
[request startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBSDKGraphRequestConnection *connection,
id result,
NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
// success
} else {
// fail