AppleScript Date format and calculation

Question 1: Rather than going through the trouble of obtaining the current date only to convert it to another format, you can obtain it in the right format straight away with a bash command:

    do shell script "date +'%m/%d/%Y'"
        --> 03/24/2018

Question 2: First, reformat the date into that which your system can recognise. In your case (and mine), it's dd/mm/yyyy:

    set [M, ordinal, Y] to the words of "June 2nd, 2012"

    set the text item delimiters to {"st", "nd", "rd", "th"}
    set cardinal to (first text item of ordinal) --> "2"
    set cardinal to text -1 thru -2 of ("0" & cardinal) --> "02"

    set the text item delimiters to space
    set date_string to {M, cardinal, Y} as text

    -- date -j -f '%B %d %Y' 'June 02 2012' +'%d/%m/%Y'
    set command to {¬
        "date -j -f '%B %d %Y'", ¬
        quoted form of the date_string, ¬

    do shell script (command as text) --> "02/06/2012"

Then subtract one date from the current date, and divide by days to get the number of days between the two dates:

    ((current date) - (date result)) / days
        --> 2121.627

PS. You can use that same shell command to convert the date into your first format, mm/dd/yyyy, simply by switching %d and %m at the end of the command string.


I thought I'd also show you how to convert the third date string into your desired format using pure AppleScript. It can be done rather quite elegantly, actually:

    set today to "Saturday 24 March 2018"

    set [_day, _month, _year] to [day, month, year] of date today
        --> {24, March, 2018}

    set _month to _month * 1 --> 3
    set _month to text -1 thru -2 of ("0" & _month) --> "03"

    set the text item delimiters to "/"
    return {_month, _day, _year} as string
        --> "03/24/2018"

Note to other users: The code in this addendum may or may not work for you, depending on your system settings. AppleScript is notoriously fussy about what it will and will not recognise as a date string. The OP and I appear to have similar or identical Language & Region date settings, which allows the variable today to be interpreted correctly as a date by AppleScript, whilst the same code running on a different system would throw an error.

To adapt the code here for use on your own system, first run the command get date string of (current date) to get a preview of the date format used by your system, then change the variable declaration for today to match. Alternatively, set the variable today to the date string of (current date).