A few questions about leveling in Final Fantasy 6 [closed]

Solution 1:

You most likely leveled "wrong".

FF6's leveling mechanic is interesting. It is of MASSIVE benefit to hit world of ruin as low level as possible (I've done it at level 7), obtain all characters, grab the end-game esper, and level with the esper equipped.

With this route, you basically end up with all magic users, and maybe a couple guys with max speed. This setup creates uber powerful characters though, and you will hit 9999 damage using just Fire/Ice/Lit 2. Edgar setup using max MAG will hit 9999 using Flash. Cure 1 will heal over 5k HP. Sabin's MAG based blitz (Aura Bolt, Fire Dance, Air Blade, Bum Rush surprisingly) will all hit 9999. I had Locke at max speed and he attacks about 5 times per one of my other characters. You can do so much damage with Ultima that it overflows and heals your enemies instead.

Here is a relevant GameFAQ guide.