Listing of files recursively with modified time in tree-like format

Solution 1:

I'm looking for a single command to list all files recursively from a given directory along with its modified time.

$ find /path/to/folder -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l --time-style="+%F %T"

It would also be nice if it can produce output in a tree-like format as produced by tree command. In my case, precision upto minutes is enough.

On my CentOS, Gentoo, ... -D option is already showed in minutes:

$ tree -D
├── [Jul 26 14:41]  LICENSE
├── [Jul 26 14:41]  manifests
│   ├── [Oct 10 16:30]  defines
│   │   └── [Jul 26 14:41]  redis source.pp
│   └── [Jul 26 14:41]  init.pp
├── [Jul 26 14:41]  README
└── [Jul 26 14:41]  templates
    ├── [Jul 26 14:41]  redis.conf.erb
    └── [Jul 26 14:41]  redis-server.erb

3 directories, 6 files

Solution 2:

This command lists recursively all files in a given directory with their full modification time:

ls -Rl --time-style=long-iso /path/to/directory

There's no tree-like output in ls but this is pretty close.

Solution 3:

perhaps this could be a starting point for your solution:

\tree -nf  | awk '{printf $0} {system("stat -c \" [ %y ]\" " $NF )}'| sed -e 's#\([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]\).*#\1 ]#g'  2>/dev/null