How can I see in which albums is a photo?

Solution 1:

You can't, at least not out of the box. But there is an AppleScript described in (or actually in which solves the problem, kind of.

To use the script, paste it all into AppleScript Editor and save it as an application (or you can just run it in AppleScript Editor). In Photos, create a top-level album (I named mine Find Albums Photo Is In), and place the photo you want to know about into that album. Leave it selected, then run the AppleScript. You’ll see one dialog stating what photo is being used, then after a bit, you should see a results dialog

-- from
tell application "Photos"
    -- Add the photo you want to search for to a top level album as the first item in the album

    set resultcaption to "Searching for: "

        set sel to selection
        if sel is {} then error "The selection  is empty" -- no selection

    on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
        display dialog "No photos selected " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
    end try

    set imagename to "unknown filename"
        set target to item 1 of sel -- the image to seach for
        tell target
            set imagename to the filename of target
        end tell
    on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
        display dialog "Cannot get the filename of the first image: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
    end try
    set resultcaption to (resultcaption & imagename)
end tell

    display alert resultcaption buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} as informational giving up after 2
on error errText number errNum
    if (errNum is equal to -128) then
        -- User cancelled.
    end if
end try
-- From Jacques Rioux's script:
tell application "Photos"
    -- set sel to selection
    if sel is {} then return -- no selection
        set thisId to id of item 1 of sel
    on error errText number errNum
        display dialog "Error: cannot get the image ID" & errNum & return & errText & "Trying again"

            delay 2
            set thisId to id of item 1 of sel
        on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
            display dialog "Skipping image due to repeated error: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
            error "giving up"
        end try --second attempt
    end try

    set theseNames to {}
        set theseNames to name of (albums whose id of media items contains thisId)
    on error errText number errNum
        display dialog "Error: cannot get the albums" & errNum & return & errText & "Trying again"
            delay 2
            set theseNames to name of (albums whose id of media items contains thisId)
        on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
            display dialog "Skipping image due to repeated error: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
            error "giving up"
        end try
    end try
end tell

if theseNames is not {} then
    set {oTid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
    set {t, text item delimiters} to {theseNames as string, oTid}
    -- return oTid
    set t to "No album"
end if

set resultcaption to resultcaption & ", found it in these albums:
" & t as string
set the clipboard to resultcaption
display dialog resultcaption buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" -- you can press the Enter key or the return Key to close the dialog
return resultcaption -- léonie

Solution 2:

Here's a different Applescript that I wrote, which works for me. With this you can just select a photo in Photos and run the script, without adding the photo to a new album. I saved it in the scripts folder Photos, so it shows up as a menu item in Photos.

tell application "Photos"
    set selectedPhotos to get selection -- Get the selected photo
        if selectedPhotos is {} then error -- No selection
    on error
        display alert "Select a photo, then run this script to find albums containing the photo."
    end try
    -- Find albums that contain the photo's ID
    set selectedPhotoId to get id of first item in selectedPhotos
    set containingAlbums to get albums whose id of media items contains selectedPhotoId
        if containingAlbums is {} then error
    on error
        display alert "That photo is not in any albums"
    end try
    -- Get names of albums and show them
    set albumNames to name of albums whose id of media items contains selectedPhotoId
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ", "
    albumNames as string
    display alert "Albums containing selected photo: " & (albumNames as string)
end tell

Solution 3:

Thanks Tom for your script. It's work, but the script didn't check albums in folders. Do you know how we can add this in the script ?

I have only found how to list the folders in Photos App : set folderNames to name of folders display alert "List of Folders: " & (folderNames as string)
