Android + Data Binding @style

The data binding unfortunately is not supported for styles:

Although @bwhite is correct, there may be workarounds you can do. It depends what you need to conditionally change. For instance, if you want to change the font based on the condition (which I needed to do), you can do it by making a custom binding adapter.

In other words, doing something like this:

public class FontBindingAdapter {

    public static void setFont(TextView textView, String typefaceName){
        Typeface typeface = ResourcesCompat.getFont(context, R.font.myfont);
        // You'd probably want to actually use `typefaceName` to determine the font to use 

Then in your layout, like this:

   app:font="@{some_condition ? @string/typeface_string_name_bold: @string/typeface_string_name_bold_light}"

I used this in my code, based on a great post:

I have a found a rather elegant solution for applying styles with data binding. I use the Paris library and then create binding adapters for interested views. for example:

fun TextView.bindTextViewStyle(styleResourceId: Int) {

and then in XML:


viewModel.priceStyleResource is a MutableLiveData in my view model which is set with the style resource ID.

priceStyleResource.value =


You can also probably make a generic bindStyle binding adapter directly for the View class, but in that case the attribute items specifically for textviews (textColor for example) will not get applied. So up to you to find the right balance and naming.