How to find lost horse in minecraft

Ok, so I'm in a HUMONGOUS RPG map, and I fenced in a horse near the edge of a forest. I have two problems:

  • I want my horse back
  • I want to find the area where that was

I can't find the area, and I want to get there. I know commands to tp the horse to me, but I want to find that whole area, not just the horse. So is there a command to locate the horse? A command that will just give me the coordinates?

Btw, I apologize for the weird question, I'm kinda new to Arqade...

Solution 1:

No, there is no command to locate an entity.

There is however a way, but be aware that this will always require the horse to be loaded first of all, so you need to be inside render distance from it or it has to be in the spawn chunks.

You do /tp @p @e[type=horse,c=1] to teleport yourself to the nearest horse.

You can also try to do /tp @e[type=horse] ~ ~ ~. This should print the coordinates of every loaded horse in chat, because it will teleport them to the coordinates where they already are and return the success message containing the coordinates (be aware this this will be different in version 1.13).

Solution 2:

with the new 1.13 update, that command does not work but you can use:

/tp @e[type=minecraft:horse,limit=1,sort=nearest]

to tp you to the nearest horse.