PHP: Telegram Bot: Insert line break to text message

Solution 1:

There is a better way! The problem is because of URL encodings... You can use normal PHP text using \n but by passing it to urlencode method, as follows:

$txt = urlencode("here is my text.\n and this is a new line \n another new line");

It works for me!

Solution 2:

1) If you develop your code in Windows/Linux OS, you can simply use enter in text:

$text = 'test 123
         another text';

Thats all!

2) If your code run on Windows/Linux server, you can use PHP_EOL constant instead of \n:

$text = 'text 123 '.PHP_EOL.'yet another text';

3) And if you search for an OS independent soloution, you can use %0A or chr(10) for this purpose:

$text = 'text 123 '.chr(10).'yet another text';

Solution 3:

For future visitor just I quote @Dagon answer in comments:

Using %0A will make line feed in telegram messages

Solution 4:

You can use %0A instead of \n.