What do the stats do in Golf Story?

When leveling up in Golf Story, I get the option to level up Power (average drive), Purity (degree draw), Strike (accuracy), Ability (degree control), or Spin (RPM).

While Power and Strike seem pretty self-explanatory, I'm not sure what the other stats are.

What does each stat do in Golf Story?

Golf Story - level up screen

Solution 1:

This Reddit thread explains all of the stats in Golf Story quite well:

Power - how powerful you hit the ball and therefore how far it can go. The reason all the other stats detract when you upgrade this is that it becomes harder to control other factors the further you hit a ball. So keep the other factors in check, but not too high, because sometimes you'll want to undershoot something, or give it curve, etc.

Purity - How true your shot will be to what you want it. Like when your little checker thing hits far away from the center in the purple gauge, it will cause it to curve, right? Purity helps to correct that. Higher purity, the straighter your shot.

Strike - Like the purity one, but with the first gauge instead of the second gauge. You're trying to match it up with the gauge all the way on the left, right? And if you accidentally go way off, then your ball will have a lot less power, right? So if you upgrade this a bunch, your ball will do a lot better at shots where your initial gauge didn't line up well.

Ability - This helps your spin, either in hit point mode, or when you want to hold L/R to add a little extra spin. It does NOT have to do with fixing the purple gauge though. This is purposeful spin ability whereas purity is for correcting accidental spin.

Spin - Will help balls' RPM (rotations per minute, a normal IRL golfer will have one at a few thousand, for reference). Potentially allowing the ball to roll a little longer to get into the whole.