How to convert websites into Kindle documents?

I want to convert a set of websites into a Kindle document.

So far I have managed to convert the web sites into epub via ECub and from there into Mobi via Calibre, but unfortunately I am losing all pictures.

Could you recommend any other tool for this?

Solution 1: may be useful.

"Send to Kindle" is a Browser extension for Kindle owners who prefer reading web content on their devices. It’s designed to offer a quick way for pushing web content to Kindle, then you can read the articles or news later on your device.

Works on Safari, Chrome, Firefox and IE. There is even a bookmarklet version.

Solution 2:

Instapaper has a service that will send a weekly email to your Kindle containing a set of webpages that you've picked, formatted for reading on a Kindle in a "magazine style" with each web page working like a magazine article (meaning you can skip from web page to web page).

Just register on the Instapaper site, give them your Kindle's email address, and add their email to your Kindle's email white-list (on the Kindle settings page on Amazon). Now put the "ReadLater" bookmarklet on your browser's toolbar, and just click it whenever you're on an interesting page that you'd rather read later on your Kindle.