Scroll to top of ScrollView

Solution 1:

  1. First add a ref attribute to your ScrollView component. Example: <ScrollView ref='_scrollView'>
  2. Then wherever you want to scroll to top do this Example: onPress={() => { this.refs._scrollView.scrollTo(0); }}

Solution 2:

in functional components

import { useRef } from 'react';

const scrollRef = useRef();

const onPressTouch = () => {
    y: 0,
    animated: true,

<ScrollView ref={scrollRef}>
  ...your elements

<TouchableOpacity onPress={onPressTouch}></TouchableOpacity>

Solution 3:

You can run the "scrollTo" method of the ScrollView. Check out the source.

You can get reference the ScrollView component by setting ref property and using this.refs as described here:

Solution 4:

A simple example:

  ref={ref => this.listView = ref}
  onContentSizeChange={() => {
    this.listView.scrollTo({y: 0})

Solution 5:

scrollTo(x, y) is now deprecated. It's now best to pass an object to scrollTo like this:

this.refs.scrollView.scrollTo({x: 0, y: 0, animated: true})